And herein lies the beef.
I just want to put this out there. You see, I’ve dated for over half my life and yes, the protocol has changed, I recognize that. Now, the guy doesn’t have to come into my living room to meet my dad before he takes me to miniature golf and milkshakes. In fact, if it’s a first date, I don’t usually even let him pick me up. We meet somewhere public (especially if it’s a blind date) just for safty. Now, I don’t receive a phone call on Wednesday asking me out for Friday. Instead, I get a text message on Monday asking me out on Tuesday. When did Tuesday become a date night? It’s fine, I’m cool like that.
Not that I mind texts. They’re fun for the occasional flirt and “Be there in 5 min” kind of thing. But when a guy asks for your number so he can text you? C’mon. The word “telephone” means “transmitting speech sounds over a distance”, not “avoiding actual contact with a person before it’s absolutely necessary”. (On a side note, this 87 emails before you meet when you live 15 minutes away thing is ridiculous. You’ve built this huge thing up in your mind only to meet a totally un-stellar, perfectly normal, one-pant leg at a time person sitting across from you at the booth at Denny’s.)
But am I so archaic in my thought process here? When a guy asks me out on Tuesday for a date on Friday, am I wrong in assuming he’ll have some sort of plan? I’ve had some dates who had every moment planned out. They even offered to order for me at a restaurant with food I couldn’t pronounce. That was kind of cool. I felt very taken care of. I’ve also had dates who didn’t have a plan cemented in stone, but have several options thought out and that was great. They gave me choices, obviously keeping in mind that I had an opinion too. But the ones who pick me up and say “where do you want to go?” just make me want to belt them in the gut. . . Especially when they’ve had several days to think about it.
Girls like to know they’re on someone’s mind and that’s evident if you start the date with some sort of plan. . . . ESPECIALLY THE FIRST DATE! Show that you have some backbone man! Take her to a place you really like and know so that you feel comfortable there! Don’t expect her to make all the decisions! Do you know how long it took her to choose that top and those shoes that you’re probably not even noticing in the first place?
Holy freakin’ cow.